
Showing posts from August, 2013

What lies between human and animal

Being left alone with a pinch of family loss after the furious sea peril must be a deadly story itself. Still more, who could ever imagine this Indian lad, Pi's shipwreck story. He survived alone, drifted in an accident boat, accompanied by yellow bulk of a fierce Bengal tiger!! For all its vividness, admiration, awe, and wonder, this academy awarded movie (Ang Lee, 2012) is too true to call a story of love, nor of friendship. Like an allegory of Hindu Gods, it is about a bare life and death issue; what we do and how we conduct to survive, and how we innocently forget the duality of our nature. For the love of god, we are still walking on a tight rope between human and animal (Steve Vai, 1990). ao

These boys' Hari Raya Puasa

Hari   Raya   Aidilfitri,  Muslims' celebration of the end of Ramadan month. An inner swelling of a sense. It is just the same behavior as of our Obon in a deep summer day. There is no cultural, religious, and generational demarcation; Everybody just goes to meet their own memories, and these boys, too... Num-Myo-Ho-Ren-Ge-Kyoh.   ao Original You Tube site is here.

Natural Bounty

Devastatingly elegant Flora, Weedy out of glory, out of sight and aroma.    Yet a meager gravel, a tiny flower, They turn treasures of an elegance austere. The encounter, a joy, of your summer hike! If you can be only tender for vigilance sake. Hopefully in a distance you might hear, The l ong-forgotten voice of your unborn daughter.   ao

A manner of man's breathing

Because they deserted highlands, People need to breathe sometime, One primitive manner of this be found on the border Between the blueness above and the whiteness below. So challenge the dryness of your lips over the dry earth, Touch the greenness, the terrestrial vessel, Well, ... Say you can breathe again back to life, To start a new life!  ao — at Mt. Hakuba.