
She calls herself a good goer

She calls herself a good goer.  But I know she is a good little sprinter Of her business in some small way,  Wanting her hidden private life. Who can defy the ultimate luxury For such an euphoric gift of nature? A small, small happiness she said,  Meets my slow and easygoing life.  O God I say, I found her at last, Asking for a humble future life. In August became she the sweet, Sweetest my little angel wife.  For Mado ao  
The rain will come even it’s fine now ;;;; The sun ever shines above the rain ;;; So let it rain Let rains rain ;;;;;; The sun ever shines above your rain ;;; So let it rain Let rains     ;;;rain ao      12/Aug/2022 Rain over the suspension of Tenryukyo Gorge 

ええやない/IT’S OKAY

  ええやない うまくいかなんでも、ええやない だいじなんは、どれだけ一生懸命かっていうことやで 一生懸命やっとりゃ、その間は幸せでいられるけえ 幸せでなけりゃ、上手くいくはずがないだけぇ 大事なんは、一生懸命ってこと 尊いんは、信じるってこと それができりゃ、明日陽はまた登るけ 誰の上にも絶対に、陽はまた登るけ うまくいかなんでもええやない 大事なんは一生懸命ってこと 尊いんは信じるってこと 明日陽はまた登るけ 陽はまた登るけ だけ、一緒にまた頑張ろうや 生きとりゃええこともあるわいや 大丈夫、だいじょぶ … 陽はまた登るけ 俺がついとるけ … ええやない、ええやない なんとかなるけ IT’S OKAY  Doesn't work out doesn't matter. What matters is how true you are to do so. Don’t think twice, you'll be okay. Taste the small happiness while doing so. Or it ain’t gonna work out. Ain’t gotta work. Look how precious it is workin’ to your heart. You know how sure it is for you to believe it. ‘Cause you deserve the sun rising on you again tomorrow. The sun will definitely rise again on your shoulders like everyone else. Doesn’t matter if it goes wrong. What matters is how truly you work. How sure it is for you to believe it. Let me tell you baby, Tomorrow the sun will rise again You can see the sun will rise again. So just work with me baby. There's always something to...


SOLITARY LION sheep,   drawn weep, smear weak, thou can’t the earth herd the lions, nor thy feeder shepherd. shepherd,   stone sit, wait, lower head bow, thou can’t make do without sheep, ever herd thy sheep by the brutal whip. Lion, yes lion, thou can think, feel, act, Blow up and drive them out, stand so brave, boast thy freedom. ao
A Remnant#1:  Hita Japanesque The old mistress beckoned to the main house, saying,  “Please come and follow me, sir…” Over the exotic antiques, dolls, and deities, There was a beautiful angle  From the woodcarving table furniture, Looking through the pale glass-pane. Early next morning said she over the pane, “Come again, sir.” “Yes, ma’am. I do,” I replied to go. And so I think I will… A shadow of humble life in the shining summer of Hita , Stirred all of a sudden a flash of Japanesque thrill. ao

Shadow Snap

Shadow,  Why you should ever be there, No clap, No smile, but such a tireless grit. No further ado, Pokes me behind this world I care, A “Snap!” Breaks it into the illusion of every seamless slit.  ao
The Zelkova & Maple How robust, gnarled trunk thou hast to stand in a bench, To bear thousands of winds and snows up until today. High in the sky was thy uppermost green given up, To the bless of shining and turning seasons away.   O behold you now A slender queen maple wind gently around thy trunk. Loftiness but little pleasure shared deep in the gulch, Natural grace is await lonely glittering to be glimpsed.   ao